Our Basics

Who is the Amethyst Group, its Mission, Vision, Values, Objectives and History


I met Thomas on November 18, 2017 at Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais State, captital) at the meeting at Ouro Minas Hotel where Thomas lectured at the Avança Brasil Congress and both there and through email, and other modes of communication we have made good interlocutions important to us from the Amethyst Group which I coordinate and for Thomas and his groups and people participating in the groups I have access to and also the social networks and whatsapp. From that meeting, I made the decision to support this magnificent Federalist Movement and its candidature, placing our Amethyst Group with the various forms of social networks (facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.) for this purpose and do whatever possible, most often with the consent of Thomas Korontai. And, with this intention in mind, he had the expectation that he would have such receptivity from the groups associated with Thomas, and that most of our writings were receptive, and mostly submitted to approval within the possible, and especially the first, were made with great combination and attunement, within the possibility, given the full agenda activities, mainly on his part.

Our mission

Favor as Knowledge and Values Collaborators focusing on the formation of Brazilian citizens in order of beeing more conscientious, critical in their choices and engaged in a new and growing alliance of social movements now civic / military (see document elaborating on this) that go to the streets with a critical sense and articulated by other means of communication (cellular, internet, social networks) for the purpose of continuous improvement of the country-state-nation-country which is Brazil, respecting and guaranteeing individual liberties, promoters of independent or single applications, perspective of guarantees of free initiative and free trade, with continuous improvement of the Human Being based in Republican Society (following the US / Democratic model ) and of their relations with themselves, seeking to optimize their relationship with Nature in a perspective of full citizenship with incentive legislative activities of semi-direct democracy and with continuous search for (municipal / state) in a perspective of a full federalism and other forms of action that improves Brazil's self-determination with a view to a rupture of paradigms with respect to patrimonialism (Raymundo Faoro), in the sense that in the past, to other forms of outdated / decadent tendencies that do not stimulate individual / collective freedoms and private property as socialists and communists, and allowing and returning to a real process of independente function of our institutions now based into the independence of the powers of the Republic and promoting levels beyond those already as in the military regime of growth and development, returning to the question of the industrialization of the country so demaged by development models with interests different from those of the national ones, but which will now have to be resumed with this avant-garde movement and which will be suppported and will be followed by consonant people that wish the installation of a new constitution with a view to changing the Magna Carta of this country that is not consonant with these aspirations mentioned above.Our vision

Being among the main social groups and well articulated with other groups - aiming for a participation in the Convergences Group coordinated by Thomas Korontai, with national citizens acknowledging our commitment to national and international media releases with a competitive bilingual (English / Portuguese) nationally and internationally.Our values

With actions always in favor of the guarantees of freedom of expression and thought, of individual and collective freedoms, as well as incentive to the free market;
Human - always. Responsible, ethical, effective and lasting relationships.

Proactive attitude, agile and committed to the good of Brazilian society, surpassing itself day after day.
Social and environmental concern.

RespectWho is the Amethyst Group, Brief History, its Mission, Vision, Values ​​and Objectives before meeting the Thomas KorontaiOur History

For reasons of Corruption occurred with my Father in the Justice of Ceará I decided to participate as an activist in the Fight against Corruption and since 2011, I joined the NASRUAS Group, after meeting Carla Zambelli. During an event sponsored by NASRUAS, I participated in the II Congress Against Corruption in which a video of Dr. Ives Gandra Martins was presented and through NASRUAS I came to know in the Supreme Federal Court, because as I invited I came to know personally in Envoys: Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Professor Emeritus of Universities Mackenzie, UNIP, UNIFIEO, UNIFMU, CIEE / STATE OF SÃO PAULO, Army Command and Staff Schools - ECEME, Superior of War - ESG and Magistrature of Federal Regional Court - 1st Region; Honorary Professor of the Austral Universities (Argentina), San Martin de Porres (Peru) and Vasili Goldis (Romania); Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universities of Craiova (Romania) and PUC-Paraná, and Professor of the University of Minho (Portugal); President of the Superior Council of Law of FECOMERCIO - SP; Founder and Honorary President of the University Extension Center - CEU / International Institute of Social Sciences - IICS.PREFACEThe book by Gilberto Martins Borges Filho tells the story of an expressive action for the
Welfare of the Republic. The Movement on the Streets is a movement of citizenship in the search for the moralization of political customs in Brazil. They are idealistic young people who dedicate themselves, as in real democracies without masters of power, to watch over the rulers to serve the people and not to use the people.
I showed in my book "A Brief Theory of Power" (Ed. Magazine of Courts) that democracies, in which the voters only deposit their votes and do not have instruments of control, of rigor, become a simulation of a free regime, but are, in fact, a fantasy dictatorship, that is, a masked tyranny.
The young people who edit this book have always gone to the streets for moralizing campaigns, seeking to sensitize society to understand that if you want a country with respect for human rights and governed by politicians and ethical bureaucrats, it is necessary to take to the streets. Only then can true citizenship be exercised, in which the Lordship will become the President, who will serve the governed, and Your Excellency will be the citizen, whom he will serve.
For this reason, I am glad to weave these few considerations in this brief foreword to support the group's very brave struggle, even though I may even diverge punctually from this or that position.
What is certain is that if all citizens understood that a democracy does not allow the omission of the governed and take to the streets, as do the youth of this movement, we would certainly have a more transparent democracy and the principle of public morality would be the backbone of the regime.
Congratulations, therefore, to the efforts of these young people and to the idealistic friend Gilberto Martins Borges Filho.

Professor Emeritus of the Mackenzie University, of the Army Command and Staff Schools - ECEME, Superior of War - ESG and of the Magistracy of the Federal Regional Court - 1st Region; Honorary Professor of the Austral Universities (Argentina), San Martin de Porres (Peru) and Vasili Goldis (Romania); Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universities of Craiova (Romania) and PUC-Paraná, and Professor (Lloyd Braga) of the University of Minho (Portugal); President of the Superior Council of Law of FECOMERCIO - SP.A2013-015 Preface GILBERTO MARTINS BORGES FILHO
There are a great number of english version of National Antem which the word "BRADO" is translated as "cry" that can be verified as at the "links"<SOURCE/LINK: <https://youtu.be/SyyOahYXhUQ>
Brazil National Anthem English lyrics ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_National_Anthem>.

First stanza

The placid banks of the Ipirangaheard
The resounding
cry of a heroic folk
And the sun of Liberty in shining beams
Shone in the homeland's sky at that instant.If the pledge of this equality
We managed to conquer with strong arm,
In thy bosom, O Freedom,
Our chest defies death itself!O beloved,
Idolized homeland,
Hail, hail!
Brazil, an intense dream, a vivid ray
Of love and hope descends to earth
If in thy comely, smiling and limpid sky
The image of the
(Southern) Crossblazes.Giant by thine own nature,
Thou art beautiful, thou art strong, a fearless colossus,
And thy future mirrors that greatness.Adored Land
Amongst a thousand others
Art thou, Brazil,
O beloved homeland!Of the sons of this ground
Thou art kind mother,
Beloved homeland,

Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas
De um povo heroico o
brado retumbante,
E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante.Se o penhor dessa igualdade
Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte,
Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido,
De amor e de esperança à terra desce,
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.Gigante pela própria natureza,
És belo, és forte, impávido colosso,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,

And from what I read about the beginning of the Federalism Group Plenary, "Here we gather Patriots willing to work for a Free, Fair and Prosperous Brazil for all", and in having inspired me in terms of Our own Hymn, tune in, besides postures and attitudes which we have been taking in the face of complex and undeclared national issues after indignation and engagement as author Stéphane Hessel. <https://www.saraiva.com.br/indignai-vos-3430263.html>, translation of the original French version, Indignez-vous!
.Since 2011, for particular reasons, I have been encouraged to engage in demonstrations in the streets associated with the media activities of social networks in anti-corruption movements, due to the fact that the next of kin became a victim of corruption in the judiciary (deviation of more than 7 million reais) in a state in the Northeast of Brazil. During my presence in movements in the Free Vase of MASP, I met Carla and Rita Zambelli (founders of GRUPO NASRUAS) and I was even more encouraged to participate as a member of the group. Shortly after I created in my family bosom the AMETHYST GROUP, semi-precious stone, that besides its beauty is also known by esoteric people, of perceiving its capacity to clean the character. And, participating in NASRUAS as well as through the internet and especially in social networks, I began to relate and get closer to the members of the NASRUAS Group and others who shared the same ideal.Our mission
To favor as Collaborators of Knowledge and Values ​​for the formation of Brazilian citizens who are more conscious, critical in their choices and engaged in social movements that go to the streets and are articulated by other media (cell phone, internet, social networks) for purposes of continuous improvement of the country-state-nation-country, respectful and personal libertarians, promoters of independent or independent applications, with a view to guarantees of free initiative and free trade and free initiative, with continuous improvement of the Human Being of the Society and its relations with it seeking to optimize their relationship with Nature in a perspective of full citizenship with encouragement of the legislative activities of semi-direct democracy and with the continuous search for local autonomy (municipal / state) in a persperctiva of a Full Federalism.
Our vision:
Being among the main Social Groups and well articulated with other Groups - aiming for a participation in the Convergences Group coordinated by Thomas Korontai, to be recognized by national, international and national and international media with a competitive differential of bilingual (English / Portuguese) publications at a national level and international.
Our values
With actions always in favor of the guarantees of freedom of expression and thought, of individual and collective freedoms, and encouragement of the free market;
Human - always. Responsible, ethical, effective and lasting relationships.
Proactive, agile, resolving and committed attitude, surpassing itself day after day.
Social and environmental concern.
respectOur goalAs soon as we started researching materials in English, we realized that our movement in the streets had almost no visibility in the international media, and our movements had little repercussion on the target politicians. In addition, our movement, specifically the NASRUAS and AMETHYST groups, has contributed to the movement in a unique way in order to seek to clarify the Brazilian population of its importance in peaceful, orderly social movements, to collect ethics, respect and honest management of resources.

We are concerned to speak in English language matters that would often be restricted to the national scope and countries where Portuguese is spoken. In this sense, we have taken to numerous international agencies like The New York Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek Magazine, Forbes Magazine, The Associated Press, CNN, Reuters, Die Welt, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times reliable information of what is happening in our country .CONCLUSIONThe Federalism Group is a group concerned with national issues. Its concern is the well-being of the Brazilian people in all federalist instances. Federalism is linked to the autonomy not only of the federal states, but also to the autonomy of the democratically constituted Brazilian people.
On 21 February 2018 there will be a demonstration in favor of transparent elections governed by polls that are more favorable to voters. All those who feel injured in their rights are invited to march towards a better Brazil.

Dr. Gilberto Martins Borges Filho. '.
Amethyst Group Coordinator


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